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support us in our efforts to enrich people's lives and end the affordable housing crises in Ontario, something our governments seem incapable or unwilling to solve


FACT:  Canada continues to ignore it's obligations as a signatory to the United Nations International Covenant of economic, social and cultural right that recognizes access to adequate housing as a basic human right.  By way of their many restrictions in place, governments are actually a major contributor to the ongoing affordable housing crises in Ontario!

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we are also interested in any non monetary donations you may have,

such as trailers, land or building materials, both new and used


anyone who donates can be recognized if they wish


corporate sponsors will get full recognition

on our site and in our communities



SMART COMMUNITIES ONTARIO is an innovative not for profit volunteer organization that explores the most economical and legal solutions in developing Smart (Tiny House) pocket Communities in Ontario.  We facilitate the joining of small groups of people to work together with the common goal of establishing a pocket community of tiny houses which helps sustain their lives financially and provides each with more freedom.

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